Editing abuse filter

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Editing filter 7
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Filter ID:7


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Filter hits:0 hits
Statistics:Of the last 1 action, this filter has matched 0 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.28 ms, and it consumes 3 conditions of the condition limit.
user_editcount < 20 & ( equals_to_any(page_namespace, 118, 119) | ( equals_to_any(page_namespace, 2, 3) & contains_any(lcase(new_wikitext) ,"{{user sandbox}}","{{user draft}}") ) ) & ( stringy := ( /* First person */ "(\bour (business|cater|channel|clients?|commitment|company|customers?|employees?|experience|factor(y|ies)|firm|focus|goal|mission|portfolio|products?|professionals?|services?|site|solutions|specialty|staff|team|vision|website))|" + "(we ((are (committed|proud|speciali[sz]ed))|((can )?offer)|pride ourselves|provide|sell|serve|service))|" + "((about|call|email|visit) us\b)|" + "((follow|like) us on)|" + /* Calls to action - see [[Call to action (marketing)]] */ "(download free)|(free download)|" + "(free trial)|(order today)|" + /* Generic PR bullshit */ "((of|for) (businesses|clients|consumers|customers))|" + "(leading (brand|developer|manufacturer|provider))|" + "(enterprise (solutions|systems))|" + "(innovative (designs|solutions))" + "(friendly staff)|(new markets)|(it solutions)|(web services)|(mission statement)|" + "(extra prominent)|(prestigious business)|(targeted at)|(one-stop)|(affordable high-quality)|(integrated systems)|" + "(employs over)|(full integration)|(customer satisfaction)|(cutting costs)|" + /* Frequently spammed */ "blockchain|cryptocurrency|(erc-20)|(initial coin offering)|" + /* See [[WP:GS/Crypto]] */ /* INDEXing pages */ "__index__|\{\{\s*index\s*(?:\}\}|\|)"); (lcase(added_lines) rlike stringy & !lcase(removed_lines) rlike stringy) )
Filter last modified:19:54, 9 December 2023 by Halca (talk | contribs)
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