Public-domain Ragnarok Timeline

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This page refers to the public-domain events which occurred in Ragnarok history. This is referred to as public domain as these actions were largely committed by the public at large and contributed to a public version of Ragnarok, either as reverse engineered software, or as "private servers".


  • 30 September 2002 - 0001.txt, containing Ragnarok Online Packet information, is published on EmuServer of Ragnarok


  • 6 January 2003 - Weiss development begins, although no source code is published until March 2003. Birth pangs?
  • 29 January 2003 - First references to AEGIS leak appear on "EmuServer Of Ragnarok" BBS in Japan.
  • 5 February 2003 - Athena team announces on EmuServer Of Ragnarok:
397 Name: Athena Project Part 1 ★ Posted date: 2003/02/05 (Wed) 15:14 ID:CFU3sCZ6
We have released a version of Athena developed by multiple people based on 0052.lzh. There are
many changes from 0052.lzh.
Please check it out if you like