ROSE (Server Emulator)

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ROSE was the name of a server emulator which was developed from around mid-2002 until late 2003, which does not appear to have any relation to 0052.lzh. Despite the fact it is one of the earliest server emulators, it actually was relatively mature for the time it was developed, supporting what YARE had but also connecting to MySQL by default, which occured significantly later on in Athena's development history.


The beginning of the project, its developer Ramiro posted that mainly he had the intent of making the project a Proof-of-Concept, in that they wanted "the ragnarok client to connect and that's it", but it appears that after this point the project gained interest and another developer, Faisal. Its initial development managed to develop the login server and display a list of hardcoded characters. It was originally meant to have a December 2002 release which allowed the user to fully manage characters and log in, but this appears to have been stymied by the fact that the project received a fake cease-and-desist from "Gravity".

As you may have heard, yesterday I recieved a letter from "Gravity" telling me to shut down the project, But from me and Striders findings, we can most diffitnly tell now that it is a fake. I'm guessing someone thinks they were being funny on april fools day. I think, however, that they were being something entirely diffrent. For those who want me to jsut get to the point, yes we are coming back, I jsut decided to make a new layout anyways, it was about time for one. I don't know how long that will take but dont worry you can still get the latest news and releases from the forums.

Its second release was in January of 2003, which included the ability to manage characters and login but had no game server.

In March of 2003, a snippet from the website appeared on the YARE (Server Emulator) website, with Lemming suggesting that a previous disagreement had been resolved and that Ramiro, and that Lemming had become a member of the ROSE team as a tester after helping them test. In a post from Lemming, it appears that ROSE had managed to get a map server working:

The map server is done; Systems are not yet implemented - Feel free to check out the info in the forums under the 'other' section. Also, I'm apart of ROSE team finally, Milkrock doesn't hate me anymore.. yay! (It must've been from all that damn beta testing i've been doing.) Keep checkin back for more posts.. and uh..if you didn't know who i was.. I'm Strider-Sonic. Yum, bet you can't say that while you're eating chocolate chip cookies.