ROServer (Server Emulator)

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ROServer is the earliest known Ragnarok Online Server emulator (Released between 14 September 2002 and 14 October 2002) which was made by a Japanese author by the name of "Magical" which posted a copy of a file on the EmuServer Of Ragnarok (EOR) called 0006.rar. Following the work of ROPP staff member John7, the file's password was brute-forced using hashcat, and its contents were revealed on 18 January 2024.

Author's note[edit | edit source]

[Author's nonsense]


Thank you for watching the video of ×(RagnarokOnline EmulatorServer). I'm Magical, the author of this emulator server.

First of all, let me state clearly that this emulator server will never be distributed. This is just something I made for my personal hobby, so I have no intention of doing anything with it. We also have no plans to develop it any further at this time. Therefore, there is no point in searching for this program, and please be careful not to fall for a fake program. Also, it is unlikely that I will post on any bulletin board, so please be careful not to be fooled by my fake posts. Furthermore, on RO, I play as a character with a completely different name than Magical. There may be someone with a similar name, but I am a completely different person, so please do not cause any inconvenience.

So, what do you think of this emulator server? To be honest, I think many people were disappointed by the low level of completion. Also, if you have played with the program even a little bit, you might have just created a simple part, even shot a video, and wondered what this idiot was doing. I think your theory is completely valid, but I wanted to show you that even someone like me who doesn't have this much technical ability can easily make something like this, so I made this video. I took a picture of it. Of course, this has some purpose.

First, I would like to say that we should all cooperate a little more in development. Lately, I've heard that there are many people who just complain and don't send emails much. Since the beta test has been going on for a long time, there may be fewer reports, but if you're still collecting information, you might be able to find a sign before something serious happens. I think you can feel things. What I felt, before it became important, I said, ``I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but isn't there perhaps a bug that allows you to do ○○○ like XXX? I think one way to report this is to say, ``There were people doing this,'' and I think if we had that kind of information, we would be able to take countermeasures quickly. I think email requesting things like balance adjustments is very important, but if you want to send emails about things that can be done later, you can just try to send them after sending an email with information about things that need to be done first. , I think it will be quite different. You can now easily send bug information on the official page, and I'm sure the people of Gravity and GungHo are also waiting for information from you. Indeed, as a matter of fact, I am getting tired of the recent responses of Gravity and GungHo, but even so, Gravity and GungHo are a million times better than someone like me with no technical skills. We have a lot of talented people, and that's why we are trying to develop games that make money and provide them as services as products, so instead of using your technical skills to hinder game development, it's important to help them. Let's use it for. If you really don't want to do that, use your technical skills to create an emulator server, for example, and tell them that even you can create something like this, so you better try harder. . I think that would be more interesting.

Another thing that I would really like to ask of Gravity and GungHo is for them to respond more firmly to user feedback. To be frank, I think that the development and management status of Gravity and GungHo's Ragnarok Online is extremely poor, even considering that it is currently in beta testing without being charged. It seems like everyone else thinks the same way. However, during the beta test, which can be played for free, if the connection is insufficient or the server processing power is insufficient, it is expected that the number of users will decrease if charges are made, so there is no need to complain about that. I'm not going to say that. On the contrary, since it is in the middle of development called beta testing, I would like them to listen more and more to bug information and other user feedback, and to respond in some way. For example, regarding bug information, since it is a beta test, we are obligated to report it, and we fully understand that bugs should not be exploited. I understand, but if you just let people report bugs and don't show any reaction to those reports, it would be natural for bug information to be reported less. I think it's quite possible to predict that some people will get tired of it and start abusing it. At the very least, I think they should send out an automatic reply email saying that they have received a report, and if possible, they should also have an information page that says that they have received bug information like this. I would like it to be made on the official website. I think that by doing this, the number of people who easily exploit bugs will decrease, and I think that more and more information about bugs that have not yet been reported will be collected. Also, if we as users end up having our accounts misused by a third party due to our poor management skills, it would be our own fault, but due to a bug, someone we don't know could use our account for malicious purposes. Have you ever thought about how we would feel if the characters we raised were manipulated without our permission and items were thrown away? And have you ever thought about how not responding to such things creates a sense of distrust among users as a whole? I would like everyone from Gravity and GungHo to think about this aspect once again. I also have an acquaintance who lost all of his skills. It seems that he sent a proper email, but he hasn't received a single reply and it seems like time is just passing in vain. I just can't do it at all. I decided to shoot this video with the intention of protesting against such things. I do think Ragnarok Online is a very interesting game, but there are many people with more technical skills and more free time than I do, so if I don't try a little harder, I might be in trouble. I said, ``I can't do it.'' Please develop and manage it a little more carefully.

Finally, I would like to summarize about this emulator server.

○ Things that can be done almost without problems

Everything related to character creation

Almost everything a character can do without using skills when not in combat

NPC behavior by script (all current RO NPCs can be reproduced)

Transferring and storing items to and from the warehouse

Everything you can do with trading

Everything you can do with chat

Return to character selection screen/save point

○ Things that cannot be done/things that have not been implemented

Everything related to battle (status related to battle is also not implemented)

Almost everything related to monsters (as far as appearing and moving has already been implemented)

Almost all skills related (it is possible to raise the level by meeting the prerequisites)

○It is possible, but it is meaningless because the others are not implemented.

 Raise your status

Improve your skills

 Increase Base/Job level

Change jobs

Equip the item

○Things I think I can probably do

Dealing with fraudulent acts and recording their logs

○Or rather, I think that's not possible.

Completely for β1

Maybe if 100 people are connected there will be lag.

Load balancing cannot be done using multiple servers.

By the way, I think it will take a lot of effort to reduce the number of fraudulent acts to 0, but I think all the fraudulent acts that are common today can be dealt with very easily. I think it would be easier to record. Since they've left it as it is, perhaps this is part of Gravity and GungHo's grand plan that we ordinary people can't even imagine.

Anyway, I can't predict what will happen to Ragnarok Online in the future, but I hope it will be a fun game for a long time.

2002/9/12 Magical

○Video temporary distribution location

Unmotivated RagnarokOnline support tool