ROPP: Staff vacancies

From RO Wiki
Revision as of 23:32, 9 February 2024 by Halca (talk | contribs)
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Currently we're looking for some people who want to maintain the wiki sections for specific games and their game guides. If you want to take up this role, just register and remove the title from this list. We'll assign you the appropriate roles and so on whenever you ask for them. You don't need permission to create things, just create the content and we'll clean up as we go! If you don't want it any more, just put it back here and message us. No fuss, no muss.

Staff title Why
Community game lead (Ragnarok Online) Expand, maintain and moderate Ragnarok Online content.
Community game lead (Ragnarok M: Eternal Love) Expand, maintain and moderate Ragnarok M content.