What are we?File:Npc kafra vignette.pngThe world of Ragnarok Online is easily growing to more than 20+ years old at this point, and lots of its history is slowly decaying into nothingness. Lots of history faces the peril of being lost forever. But within the confines of Ragnarok Online, a vast and sometimes bewildering series of events have occurred, with ordinary people all over the world playing part in a complex and delicate balance alongside an unfolding corporate drama, and that history deserves to be preserved, both the history of the game and the history surrounding the game.
The realm of Gravity, its subsidiaries, and those within the Private Server, and Emulation worlds deserve to be preserved because it's all human endeavour, people trying their best with the best they have, just trying to make something exist. Human behaviour is complicated, and it's the desire of this wiki to try and preserve what it was like on all sides, and provide some kind of niche historical archive about the odd, complex, confusing, frustrating, and funny background of Ragnarok Online.