Monster Side Stories

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Monster Side Stories is the name of a story serialisation provided on the Japanese Ragnarok Online (jRO) server, and accompanying event. [1] It details several stories from the perspective of monsters within the Ragnarok Online world, concluding with a keyword which summarises their story and also serves as a kind of moral message (e.g. love, trust, helping others). [1] It is the prequel to Academy Secret Story.

There was a mistranslation in this event; Episode 3 was supposed to be titled "Let's give him a taste of what's to come, Kani Nippa", but apparently there was some translation or input error, which got translated as "Let's give him a fuck, Kani Nippa". [2]

History[edit | edit source]

The event page lists the history of the serialisation as[1]:

  • May 22, 2007 - " Monster Side Stories " special website released
  • May 22, 2007 - "Give Mommy a Loving Hand - Prologue" released
  • June 5, 2007 - Added "Give Mommy a Loving Hand - Epilogue"
  • June 19, 2007 - Added "I want to be a great leader! -Prologue-"
  • July 3, 2007 - Added "I want to be a great leader! - Epilogue -"
  • July 31, 2007 - Added "Let's give Kani Nippa a taste of his own medicine! - Prologue -"
  • August 14, 2007 - Added " Let's give Kani Nippa a taste of what's to come! - Epilogue -"
  • August 21, 2007 - Added "Goodbye My Doll -Prologue-"
  • September 4, 2007 - Added "Goodbye My Doll -Epilogue-"
  • September 18, 2007 - Added " A Love Story: The Beginning of Mjolnir - Prologue"
  • October 2, 2007 - Added "A Love Story: The Beginning of Mjolnir - Epilogue"
  • November 6, 2007 - Added " Pumpkin Dream -The Road to Lady- Prologue"
  • November 20, 2007 - Added " Pumpkin Dream -The Road to Lady- Epilogue- "
  • December 4, 2007 - Added "I still won't let go of your hand! - Prologue - "
  • January 15, 2008 - Added "I still won't let go of your hand! - Epilogue - "

Full story[edit | edit source]

Introduction - What Is Monster Side Stories?[edit | edit source]

In the magical city of Geffen, a strange man calling himself "The Storyteller" suddenly appears.

He began to sit on a bench near a fountain in the south of town, carrying a thick book in his arms, but he never spoke, and people began to call him the ``mysterious storyteller.''

When people passing by ask him about the thick book, he always replies:

"This book is a book in which a part of the story will descend upon you.

 If you open the door of this book, you will become part of the story.

 Are you interested in this book?"

When the people heard his mysterious words, they were creeped out and left the place in silence.

"If you hesitate to open the door, you won't be able to weave a story...

 So, will someone appear to open this book?"

Hey you!

Be brave and turn the pages of this mysterious book!

Episode 1 - "Give Mommy a Loving Hand!" -Prologue-[edit | edit source]

City of Moloch

The city of Moloch is surrounded by the desert.

A mummy appears in the northwest of the city.

At first, the townspeople are frightened by the Mummy's appearance, but they are puzzled when she shows no signs of attacking anyone.

The Mummy is supposed to be a monster that hates humans.

However, the mummy, on the other hand, speaks to him in a friendly manner.

...Why did this mummy appear?

So, be brave and talk to Mommy!

"Give Mommy a Loving Hand!" -Epilogue-

When one adventurer mustered up the courage to ask Mummy why she came to Moloch, Mummy replied:

"The pyramids just don't suit me, and I feel like I'm not feeling well... Maybe if I take some medicine... I think I'll get better! I saw people drinking it in the pyramids before!"

After hearing this, the adventurer brought medicine for Mummy again and again.

Thanks to that, Mommy's body seemed to be getting better and better.

From then on, Mummy spent more and more time with this human, and before she knew it, she had grown to love that human.

I began to want to be friends with that person for a long time.

Apparently, just because the person he loves is friendly with Mummy, he is being ostracized by other people.

Mummy, who knew how lonely it was to be alone, thought of the human and decided to return to the pyramid.

And then...on the day they said goodbye, Mommy gave her beloved something special as a gift.

Mummy and the human promised to meet again someday and each returned to their own original paths.

"Thank you."

In order to protect what was important to them, the two were forced to separate. However, no matter how far apart they were, Mummy's feelings of gratitude for her never faded.

Episode 2 - "I want to be a great leader!" -Prologue-[edit | edit source]

Geffen City

One day, a slightly unusual kobold suddenly appeared in the town of Geffen.

Kobolds are warlike, dog-like monsters whose territory lies in the Kord Forest near Geffen.

However, unlike other kobolds, he does not harm people and has a slightly unusual appearance.

He wants to become a kobold leader in order to put an end to the conflict between humans and kobolds and allow them to live together in harmony, and he seems to be looking for people who will help him.

Will he be able to become a leader and achieve his dream?

Now, go out into town and talk to some kobolds!

Episode 2 - "I want to be a great leader!" -Epilogue-[edit | edit source]

Kojirō is a peaceful kobold who wants to coexist with humans who are always fighting, and he wants to become the most influential kobold leader in his clan.

However, I had no idea how to become a leader, and I worried about it alone.

And because he was too scared to ask the leader himself, he came to the city of Geffen to find someone who could ask the kobold leader Johnny for the secret to becoming leader in his place.

An adventurer who heard his story was confused by this kobold's reliance on others, but could not leave this kobold alone, who was troubled and suffering and could not even eat, so he went to see Johnny.

When the adventurer asked Johnny for the secret, Johnny seemed to have guessed something and asked him to do a favor in exchange for telling him.

Johnny's request was to help solve a problem that one of his subordinates, Gonta, was having, so the adventurer immediately visited Gonta and solved his problem.

When I reported back to Johnny, he told me that the secret to being a leader was the actions the adventurer had just taken.

When I told Kojiro the secret, he said it wasn't enough and asked me to ask him to listen more.

When the adventurer visited Johnny again, this time he learned that one of his subordinates, Kai, was having trouble. He returned after successfully resolving the problem, and Johnny taught him another secret.

In fact, Johnny had realized from the beginning that the one who wanted to know the secret was Kojiro, who had recently disappeared from the pack, and he wanted to convey an important message to Kojiro through the adventurer.

When I told Kojiro another secret, he realized what he lacked the most.

That's right... what he lacked the most was "the heart to care for and help others." In order to make his wish come true, he only thought about himself and didn't even notice his friends.

He was touched by the way his friend, who transcended race, helped him as if it were his own help, even though they had only just met, and he realized something important.

After that, he returned to the group, and through his own efforts, he naturally became a leader. From now on, I'm sure he will devote himself to activities to make his dreams come true.

"Helping each other"

Kojiro will never forget to be considerate and help each other, regardless of race, just like his friend who tried hard to help him when he was in trouble. This attitude is important and common to both humans and monsters.

Episode 3 - "Let's give Kani Nippa a taste of his own medicine!" - Prologue -[edit | edit source]

City of Alberta

As you pass southeast of the city of Alberta, you will come across the monster Badon, timidly looking around for something.

It seems that he wants to become stronger and is looking for someone to be his master in order to protect himself and his dear friends from the bullies who are half-fishers.

Will he be able to protect his friends and find the strength he desires?

Now, let's go out into the city and talk to Vadon!

Episode 3 - "Let's give them a taste of what's to come, Kani Nippa!" -Epilogue-[edit | edit source]

Learning the secrets of becoming stronger from the adventurer, Miles steadily grew stronger, eventually becoming strong enough to overwhelm Joseph.

However, after his duel with Joseph, Miles became painfully aware of his own weaknesses, and he continued to undergo even more intense training to overcome them.

And so, the day finally arrived when Miles would have a serious fight with the Half-Fishman.

At first the two were evenly matched, but gradually Miles' moves began to overwhelm the Half-Fishman.

Just as Miles was feeling confident of victory, an unexpected event occurred.

Hugo, the Half-Fishman, had cowardly taken Miles' friend hostage.

Hugo began tormenting Miles, as if mocking him for being helpless with his precious friend held hostage.

And just as Hugo was about to raise his prized spear to decide the fight...

Miles' rival Joseph, impressed by Miles' efforts, appeared to help.

Joseph used his special move to blind Hugo and rescue Miles' hostage friend.

Miles was now able to fight at full strength without any worries, but from the repeated attacks by the Merman, he was already badly injured and could barely stand.

So Miles decided to put everything on the line for one final blow.

In the tense atmosphere, they looked at each other. In the next moment, they both moved at the same time. A loud roar rang out and dust swirled around.

When the clouds of dust cleared, the person who appeared was... none other than Miles. With all his strength, Miles delivered a lightning-like blow that hit Hugo directly on his body. All his efforts had paid off, and he had finally snatched his long-desired victory from the Half-Freshman.

Miles reflected on his past as he felt the afterglow of victory. He had been close to

giving up and losing heart many times, but each time he tried his best, overcame obstacles, and finally achieved his dream. From now on

, no matter what difficulties he faces, he will never forget this experience and will never give up until the very end. Because now, Miles has discovered the joy of making his dreams come true.


The desire to become stronger nurtured Badon, and the desire to become stronger created a miracle. Faith...maybe it's the ticket to reeling in miracles.

Episode 4 - "Goodbye My Doll" -Prologue-[edit | edit source]

City of Alberta

A tattered doll washed up a short distance from the wharf in the town of Alberta. Upon closer inspection, the doll appears to be a marionette.

Where did it come from?

Why is it in such a tattered state?

Does the unconscious marionette have any hostility towards it...?

The situation is completely unclear.

The story will begin to move when you touch the marionette.

What will you think when you find out what this marionette is hiding...?

Now, go out into the city and talk to the marionettes!

Episode 4 - "Goodbye My Doll" -Epilogue-[edit | edit source]

When an adventurer touched a battered marionette that had washed up on Alberta, she slowly opened her eyes. The

marionette looked at the adventurer with resentment in her eyes, telling him that "humans cannot be trusted," but the adventurer felt something strange and decided to repair her.

While searching for someone who knows more about dolls, I met an elderly puppeteer named Drossel, and thanks to him I began to understand more about marionettes. Her name is Avanda. She is a rare, special monster whose soul is trapped in the body of a marionette when the soul of a previous doll feels anger or sadness towards humans.

As the adventurer listened to her story, he began to think, "Perhaps Avanda is the doll that he touched as a child and has now forgotten about."

Even though he did not know the truth, the adventurer felt a strong desire to save her, and using the information he had gained as a basis, he overcame many hardships and succeeded in repairing Avanda.

After the repairs were completed and Abanda's memories began to return, he became troubled by his own memories and the situation he was in. He said that even though he had once hated humans and become a marionette, now that he had regained his memories and self-awareness, he could no longer bear the life of attacking humans as a marionette.

She was touched by the adventurers' efforts to help her, despite her loathing of humans, and she began to trust humans and wish to live happily with them again as a simple doll.

To make her wish come true, she must defeat the Marionette Killer, the leader of the Marionettes who was trying to bind and exterminate her. Avanda alone was no match for him, but with the help of Drossel, Avanda's powerful attack took down the Marionette Killer.

Once a marionette, the soul is released and reincarnated as a doll somewhere. It is not known who owns the doll or whether she will be happy next time. However, Abanda says she is looking forward to her new life. Humans, dolls, and monsters have learned that they can trust each other... that was enough.

Avanda's soul departed from the marionette's body.

"I hope we can meet again," he

said, leaving behind only those words along with tears whose origins were unknown.


Abanda remembered the importance of trust.

Even if there are temporary misunderstandings, trusting each other to the end may be the key to maintaining a relationship.

Episode 5 - "A Love Story: The Beginning of Mjolnir" - Prologue -[edit | edit source]

Geffen City

As you pass through the Mjolnir Mountains, which stretch east of the magical city of Geffen, you will come across a monster called the Minotaur and a massive Minotaur arguing fiercely.

Apparently, the two had eloped and were living in the Mjolnir Mountains.

However, when her lover tried to return home to gain her parents' understanding, it seems that an argument ensued as she tried to stop him...

What will happen to these two people who are constantly drifting apart?

What will be the outcome of their love?

Now, go talk to the Minotaur!

Episode 5 -"A Love Story: The Beginning of Mjolnir" -Epilogue-[edit | edit source]

Jean and Charlotte were lovers who eloped without their parents' understanding.

However, Jean feels that things are enough the way they are, while Charlotte wants her father's understanding and everyone's blessing... Their differences in opinion lead to an argument.

An adventurer appears and listens to Jean and Charlotte's story. He proposes that he visit her father, Lucien, and settles the matter. The adventurer manages to meet Lucien, and learns from him the reason why he opposed the engagement.

"If two people love each other and have feelings for each other, they should do whatever it takes to get each other's approval. However, on the night they eloped, Jean prioritized his own feelings and misled Charlotte, leading her to elope with him. That makes me a little uneasy about entrusting my beloved daughter to him."

Although Lucien's reasoning was reasonable, the adventurer persisted on the couple's behalf, begging Jean to give him another chance.

When the adventurer returned to them and explained why Jean had opposed the engagement, Jean learned Lucien's true intentions and faced the challenge.

The test was to withstand a fierce attack from the Minotaur's elite.

Following the adventurer's instructions, Jean somehow managed to endure each blow, but the minotaurs' elite warriors had been attacking Jean from all sides without rest since the start of the trial.

Finally, exceeding his physical limits, Jean mercilessly collapses to his knees.

As Jean's vision and consciousness fall into darkness... he sees Charlotte running towards him.

"Charlotte... just... just for you, I..." Just

as Jean rises to his feet with sheer willpower, the signal for the end of the trial rang out.

Having overcome these challenges and having been accepted for engagement by Lucien, Jean and Charlotte exchange vows on the Mjolnir Mountains.

"Charlotte, I'm weak and unreliable, and on top of that I'm a jerk who always puts my own feelings first... But from now on, I want to live for you, who is irreplaceable."

"Jean... I'm just like you. Even though I say I love you, I haven't been able to do anything for you... From now on, I too will live for you."

"Thank you, Charlotte. Today may be the true 'beginning' for us!"


It is a precious heart that cares purely for an irreplaceable person, without expecting anything in return. This heart is necessary for the activities of all living beings, regardless of whether they are human or monster.

Episode 6 - "Pumpkin Dream -The Road to Lady-" -Prologue-[edit | edit source]

Lolili found herself lost in the city of Izlude.


And it seems that she is in a very difficult situation. She seems to be searching for a certain person to participate in the "Halloween Ball".

Will Loli Loli be able to meet her target person and participate in the Grand Ball? However, it seems that she has a slightly difficult personality.

Now, let's talk to LoliLuri!

Episode 6 - "Pumpkin Dream -The Road to Lady-" -Epilogue-[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, there was a Loli Ruri named Lola.

She had lived her life separated from her fellow monsters, so she was somewhat self-centered and didn't know much about manners, and she couldn't blend in with the other monsters. Then, Lola received an invitation. It was an invitation to a Halloween ball.

The host of the ball was the prince of Halloween Castle. Laura thought that if she could participate in the Halloween ball, no one would look down on her anymore, so she really wanted to participate.

However, Laura, who knows nothing about etiquette, cannot attend the ball where gentlemen and ladies gather. The date of the ball is approaching. Laura is anxious. Then, one day, she receives a letter from someone who claims to be the Wizard of Halloween.

"I can turn anyone into a fine lady. -From the Halloween Wizard-"

Laura was happy. The person seemed to be in some human town. She decided to go out and look for him. However, she got lost and ended up in the town of Izlude.

In a difficult situation, Laura asks an adventurer to take her to the Halloween Wizard. The adventurer gladly accepts and takes her to see the Wizard of Halloween. Laura successfully meets the Wizard, and as he teaches her how to dance and acquires knowledge, she gradually changes, and the way people around her see her also changes. Eventually,

 she grows into a fine lady and is able to attend the Halloween ball.

Lola successfully won the prince's heart.

However... just as the grand ball was in full swing and the prince had finally acknowledged Lola, the prince and the castle suddenly disappeared.

The Wizard of Halloween appears before the surprised Laura. He reveals that the entire grand ball was a spell he created. The Wizard smiles kindly at her disappointment and tells her that Laura once helped him, and that he set up this grand Halloween spell to help Laura in return. He has always been concerned about Laura living apart from her friends.

Certainly, by becoming a fine lady, Lola gained more friends. No one shunned her anymore. To become a fine lady meant learning the manners to get along well with her friends. Lola naturally acquired this through her training for the grand ball. And finally, instead of a prince or a castle, Lola was able to get what she really wanted.


It is the most important thing when building relationships with people. Just a little courtesy can do wonders for improving your relationships with others.

Final Episode - "I still won't let go of your hand" - Prologue -[edit | edit source]

Geffen City

A strange man calling himself "The Storyteller" suddenly appears in the magical city of Geffen. He carefully holds a thick book and begins to sit on a bench near a fountain in the south of the city.

When he writes the name of an adventurer in the mysterious book he holds...?

Amazingly, the strange events that happen to the adventurer start to be written into the book!

Just as the adventurer was about to spin a new story... something strange happened. The

book held by the mysterious storyteller began to glow faintly.


The Storyteller thought deeply after seeing this, and then said,

"There is something I must tell you..." What happened to the mysterious book he was carrying?

And what is it that he wants to tell the adventurer...?

Now, let's go out into the city and talk to the mysterious storyteller!

Final episode - "I still won't let go of your hand" - Epilogue -[edit | edit source]

The mysterious narrator is actually the monster Evil Druid in disguise.

He has lost his memory and is in trouble, so an adventurer sees him and tries to help him by finding the "Time-Traveling Stone."

With the power of the "Time Stone," an adventurer traveled to a world of the past and saw... Doyle, who was researching a "world without conflict" with his lover Ellen, turned into a monster by Jioma.

When the adventurer learns of the narrator's past, the narrator's mysterious magic is disturbed once again, and the adventurer is returned to the "present."

The mysterious storyteller, whose memories of the past have returned, asks the adventurer for one last favor. That is, to deliver a letter to Ellen.

The adventurer accepts the request, and with the mysterious storyteller's final magic, the adventurer heads back to the world of the past once again.

When I delivered the letter to Ellen, she wiped away her tears and said,

"Thank you. I'm okay now. Please tell Doyle that we'll definitely make our dreams come true!"

In the end, their sad past could not be changed.

However, they found hope for the future that was to come, and smiled.


Evil Druid lost his precious magical powers. But he gained something even more precious. As long as the hope that remains in his heart shines among the countless memories he has lost, he, and the world, will continue to change.

Jioma[edit | edit source]

A man who looks very similar to the missing Jioma has been spotted "currently."

Perhaps one day adventurers will meet him again...

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 (No date a) ラグナロクオンライン公式サイト/ガンホーのオンラインゲーム・MMORPG. Available at: (Accessed: 14 September 2024).
  2. (No date a) ラグナロクオンライン公式サイト/ガンホーのオンラインゲーム・MMORPG. Available at: (Accessed: 14 September 2024).